Saturday 2 March 2013

Building a genuine home based business

The stagnant US economy has left millions of people to look online for extra income. According to the latest statistics, there are approximately 10 million people in the US that are looking for ways to make money online. They vary from different social economic backgrounds, so it is not just the unemployed that are looking for a genuine home based business. With this demand comes thousands of opportunities, programs, and different concepts and ideas that offer people ways to make money online.

People have different reasons for wanting to build a business online, different goals, different expectations, and many just want something real, that makes money, a genuine home based business that is easy to operate, that is also inexpensive. If you think about it, the traditional way of starting a business has a lot of costs involved, a lot of overhead expenses and a lot of fixed costs. So, it is understandable why the home based business approach is very appealing to tens of millions of people in the US and many more around the world.

Having said that, there is a stark difference between programs and opportunities that offer quick cash, and the genuine home based business opportunities that offer, in addition to upfront cash commissions on sales, a consistent, reliable residual income. Residual income is a concept very familiar to most internet marketers, but most really don't understand it. Most opportunities have some type of structure to earn a residual income. However, there are a few home based business opportunities that delivers a reliable residual income stream based on the compensation plan.

These type of businesses are in my assessment, the best genuine home based business opportunities. They provide a foundation to build a business that is strong, where there are not a lot of breakage, and a more solid structure for the organization. I have always compared this to the building of a house. What makes certain houses crumble during a natural disaster like an earthquake, while other houses next to them stand firm? I believe this is due to how strong the houses were built and the strength of their foundation.

Building a home based business is very similar in that regard. In this tough economic condition that we are in, building a genuine home based business that will provide a consistent, reliable residual income stream takes a lot of work. And that scares a lot of internet marketers. For those that are not afraid of the hard work, persistence, and perseverance required, there are genuine home based business opportunities out there that provide the mechanism to earn a significant reliable residual income. One such company is Sisel International.

Sisel International is a unique company in the health and wellness field that closely defines a genuine home based business. First of all, it is not an MLM, it is not a program, and it is not a get rich quick scheme. It is a solid business with a variety of products that people use on a daily basis. It has a very strong infrastructure, distribution channels, manufacturing capacity, product research and development, product marketing and branding, global markets, competitive advantage, and great products that makes a difference in people's health.

And best of all, for the entrepreneurial minded, business professionals, it has a compensation plan that is without question the best in the industry. Sisel's compensation plan is very lucrative, with high payouts on initial sales, an industry leading 16% residual on repeat orders and numerous bonuses that skyrockets the total compensation beyond the residual income component. Even more impressive is that the business does allow an entrepreneur to achieve a reliable residual income stream, month after month, year after year because of the uniqueness of the company.

By: Lakeesha Forbes

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