Wednesday 27 February 2013

Starting Your Own Online Business? Don't Make This Mistake

When starting your own online business many people might think that it takes hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get a website up and running. While you could actually pretty easily put that much into it, don't! Unless you got the kinda of money that you can throw away and not have to worry about but I don't and I certainly do not know anyone who can, especially these days!

There are also people who will jump at the first business opportunity they come across that claims they will be making money overnight or cashing big affiliate checks the next day. Or they move from one opportunity to the next and before they know it they have spent an enormous amount of money and not one thing or sale to show for it. Don't make this mistake that so many do. I myself spent a lot of money and countless hours when I first started out thinking this was my get rich fast opportunity. The truth is that you really only need a few things to start your own online business and it can be done with a very tiny budget.

The only three things that you really need to spend any money on when first starting out is a domain name, web hosting and a good autoresponder. Yes believe it or not that's really it. You can have all three of those too for as little as 90 cents a day. Think you can find 90 cents a day? That's less than a cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop!

So you see starting your own online business can be affordable and you don't have to spend big money or money you don't have to get it done. And the big business opportunity deals, forget about them. Just remember the old saying "if it sounds to good to be true" well you know the rest of that line right? To start and grow your own online business doesn't have to be expensive or drain your savings but it is going to take some time and effort and good old fashion work!

For your website there are a couple options but the easiest method today to get started (in my opinion) is WordPress. It is an easy to set up blog site that you can get going in no time at all and it's really the most common these days. I'm sure everyone by now has either posted to a blog site or commented on one and of course if you are reading this there is a good chance that it is one of my blog sites created with WordPress. The best part is WordPress is completely free. If you want to have a standard website there are free tools and templates that you can get for that type of website as well.

Depending on what you want to do with your new online business you can find of sorts of free resources to help you build or grow your online presence. If you need to accept credit card orders you can use Clickbank or many people use Paypal, since Paypal only charges when you make a sale its the perfect setup for some people and its widely accepted.

So once again don't fall into that trap of spending hundreds of dollars on your website when staring your own online business. Whether it's to set it up or buying into these "business opportunities". Save your money and once you start making money online then you can invest in it a little for advertising or what ever you might think you need to grow your online business. After all it's going to take some time to get things set up, earn some credibility and getting visitors to your website. So be patient, keep your money in your wallet and don't bury yourself before you even get started.

Article By: Joseph Helberg

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